Metod Jazbec

University of Amsterdam, Informatics Institute


I am a PhD student at Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab. I am fortunate to be supervised by Eric Nalisnick, and co-supervised by Dan Zhang and Stephan Mandt.

Previously, I completed my Masters in Data Science at ETH Zurich and gained industry experience working as a data scientist and quantitative engineer. I was also a research intern at Microsoft (Cambridge, UK).

Main topics of interest include: efficient AI, uncertainty quantification, generative modeling .

selected publications

  1. NeurIPS
    Fast yet Safe: Early-Exiting with Risk Control
    Metod Jazbec*, Alexander Timans*, Tin Hadži Veljković, Kaspar Sakmann, Dan Zhang, Christian A. Naesseth, and Eric Nalisnick
  2. NeurIPS
    Towards Anytime Classification in Early-Exit Architectures by Enforcing Conditional Monotonicity
    Metod Jazbec, James Urquhart Allingham, Dan Zhang, and Eric Nalisnick